Foundation News
These are some of the latest developments, headlines and happenings surrounding the Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation.

More than a dozen fire trucks, four jet skis and a helicopter are among the $30 million worth of donations received by the Hawaii County Fire Department from the Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation over the past 27 years.
Now the foundation is fundraising for another helicopter and two more trucks for the Big Island. That will bring the foundation’s total donations to well over $40 million by the end of 2025.
See entire article HERE.
Laura Mallery-Sayre recognized as Remarkable Woman of 2024
HONOLULU (KHON2) — One remarkable woman in Kona turned her family’s personal tragedy into a lifeline for fire rescue crews.
Firefighters on Hawai'i Island consider Laura Mallery-Sayre a hero.
Through her efforts, their fire stations are receiving much needed equipment for rescue efforts and other operations.
See entire KHON Feature and article HERE.
Mahalo to First Responders Dinner and Sayre Foundation presentation
(BIVN) – Wednesday’s Waimea Community Association dinner event, held in honor of first responders, also featured a talk about the Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation, which has organized an extraordinary 16-year fundraising effort to equip HawaiÊ»i County first responders with essential fire apparatus.
“Our most recent purchase is an Airbus H125 helicopter that is capable of providing EMS Services,” said Laura Mallery-Sayre. “It’s a full-on ambulance. It also can do fire suppression, and it can do rescue.”
“That replaces a 32-year-old chopper that was having some really serious issues with disintegration,” Laura added. “So we just we just pledged that to HawaiÊ»i County in July.”
“I am pleased to announce that we have just put a deposit down on an H145 twin engine Airbus helicopter, that will be a Life Flight helicopter, to take patients to Honolulu or to Maui, as the need be,” she added.
On the night of the dinner, the Sayres also announced that their philanthropy is now being extended to Maui County.